June 10, 2015

Next Portland NORML Meeting Features Grow Clinic w/Dru West

June 10, 2015
portland norml

Join us on Saturday, June 27, at High Noon at the Tony Starlight Showroom for our next public Membership Meeting. You’ll get to meet Dru West, the author of “Secrets of the West Coast Masters” and one of the most acclaimed cannabis cultivators in the world. Dru will explain how to get your newly-legal (as of July 1) four-plant household marijuana garden started and take your cultivation question. We’ll also be presenting information on what exactly is legal in marijuana starting July 1 and how we differ from Washington and other legal states.

As always, the public is invited to attend. Association with Portland NORML is free and takes just your email address to begin receiving our weekly newsletter, packed with informative tips on the ever-changing regulations on Oregon marijuana. Voting membership costs just $35 / year and comes with a personalized membership card, discounts on our merchandise and events, and a membership pin. We will also be holding our annual elections for three of our nine board members (you must purchase a membership before the meeting in order to be eligible to vote.)

portland norml june meeting


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