Calling all women and the men who love them!
Join Women for Measure 80 on the steps of the state capitol to declare:
Save Our Children! End Prohibition! - Monday, October 15th, 1pm-3pm

Front steps of the Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR 97301
Get on the bus (limited space ~ RSVP!)
Meeting at 10:30a for an 11a departure:
Yes on 80 Campaign Office
2712 NE Sandy Blvd.
Portland, OR 97232
Contact Amanda Rain to get on the bus and join the rally on the steps of the state capitol!
(503) 473-8790 or [email protected]
Bus travelers should pack a lunch and bring water in addition to anything else they will need for self-care. Be sure to RSVP! :)
Share this email, spread the word! Share the attached flyer!
Let’s have a strong showing next Monday to send a clear message:
End Prohibition Now!
You can also promote through the Facebook Event Page:
• Anna Diaz, Founder Women for Measure 80
• Amanda Rain, Women for Measure 80 and Outreach Director for Yes on 80
• Shelley Fox-Loken, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
• Madeline Martinez, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
• Trish Morningstar, Mom and PTSD Sufferer
• Serra Frank, Founding Director, Moms for Marijuana International
• Jessica Parks, Mom and War on Marijuana Victim
For more information, please contact:
Anna Diaz
Women for Measure 80
[email protected]
A.M. Rain
Outreach Director
Yes on 80
(503) 395-8069