Cannabis reform activists and industry members have long suspected that the tobacco industry has wanted to get into the cannabis industry. It makes sense, since tobacco is grown and smoked, similarly to cannabis. However, whereas cannabis is grown and harvested and then consumed, tobacco has the addition step of adding all kinds of harmful chemicals. The tobacco industry has yet to invade the cannabis industry, which is a good thing, as there’s no place for harm and greed in the cannabis industry.
Newly released documents show that the tobacco industry tried to crack into the cannabis industry in the late 1960’s/early 1970’s. Per The L.A. Times:
Newly discovered documents from tobacco company archives at UC San Francisco show that major companies in the cigarette industry investigated joining the marijuana business in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
The companies were driven then by the same shift in public attitudes that is now pushing legalization around the country.
One company even asked a federal counter-narcotics official to secretly secure marijuana from the government for research.
“We request that there be no publicity whatsoever,” a Philip Morris vice president wrote in late 1969 to Milton Joffee, drug sciences chief at the Justice Department’s narcotics bureau. “We will provide the results to you on a confidential basis, and request that you not identify in the form of any public announcement where the work has been done.”
Cannabis is safer than cigarettes. I hope that the tobacco industry never gets their finger in the cannabis pie. If someday they do, i hope consumers boycott their products. The tobacco industry is responsible for millions of deaths, all in the name of profit. There is no place for that mentality in the emerging cannabis industry.