I always get excited when BReal from the legendary hip hop group Cypress Hill uploads new videos to YouTube. BRealTV posts various videos on the YouTube channel, my favorite of which are one involving ‘The Smokebox.’ Basically its video cameras set up in a car, and BReal and a guest or two hit joints, hotbox the car, and talk the toke. Usually he has music guests on the show, but recently he invited cannabis activist and entrepreneur Steve DeAngelo from Harborside Health Center onto his show.
Steve DeAngelo recently released the book The Cannabis Manifesto: A New Paradigm for Wellness, and BReal talked about it, activism in general, and the current state of reform. It is my favorite BReal video of all time because it had a starkly different dialogue than other episodes of The Smokebox. That’s not to say that other shows weren’t entertaining, because they very much were, but I always love when high profile people in the marijuana world dedicate sometime to activism and reform.
BReal said something on this episode that I have been saying since this book first dropped – that it is the biggest cannabis book since the late great Jack Herer’s The Emperor Wears No Clothes. That’s why I pushed the book so hard when it came out, and that’s why I offered up a quote for the book, which can be found at the top of the first page. Steve DeAngelo has fought very hard for reform, and has done a lot for the cannabis industry, which also pushes reform forward. He was the first I heard to use the term ‘social entrepreneurship’ (not sure who invented it!) and it’s something that I hope to embody as we try to take The Weed Blog to the next level.
BReal and Steve, if you read this, I have one request – next time you guys get together to hotbox a car, let me sit in the back! Below is the video for your Saturday enjoyment: