The New Berkeley Patients Group Location Will Be On San Pablo Ave
The Berkeley Patients Group released the following press release (a victory for safe access!):
On May 1st, 2012, BPG ceased operations at its 2747 San Pablo Avenue location due to pressure from the US Attorney’s office. Despite being in full compliance with state and locals laws, having no incidents in 12 years of operation, and a noteworthy outcry of public support to stay open, BPG made the difficult decision to close that location.
Ample care was taken in selecting an appropriate relocation site that satisfies the requirements of both the City of Berkeley and the state of California while retaining convenient access for our patient members. BPG’s relocation site at 2366 San Pablo Ave is located in a Commercial District. The site is more than 1000 feet away from all elementary, middle and high schools, both public and private, and more than 1000 feet from the other two permitted dispensaries in Berkeley, exceeding the requirements detailed in BMC 23E.16.070.
BPG will make use of the current structure at 2366 San Pablo Ave to house the dispensary (1160 sq. ft.), and will place a modular office (960 sq. ft.) to the west of that structure to facilitate administrative and operational needs. The site has ample on-site parking, access to adequate street parking and is conveniently located within a major public transit corridor. The facility will be fully accessible to members with impaired mobility.
BPG takes security very seriously, both on the premises and in the surrounding neighborhood. During hours of operation, BPG will have 3 or more accredited security personnel on site, securing both the interior and exterior of the building. An accredited security guard will be stationed 24 hours per day, seven days per week, to monitor the property and deter nuisance activity. The premises will be protected by a secure, 8-foot fence with lockable gates, security cameras capable of 24-hour remote monitoring and an alarm system.
Diversion of medical cannabis will not be allowed. Loitering around the facility and in the neighborhood will not be tolerated. The site and adjacent sidewalk will be kept free of litter by BPG staff. Suspicious activity will be monitored and recorded. Evidence of criminal activity will be reported to the proper authorities. These precautions will be made in the spirit of providing safe access for our patients while preserving, and improving, the safety of the neighborhood.
BPG has succeeded over the years by building positive relationships with its neighbors and remains committed to working proactively with members of the community. BPG’s community liaison, Brad Senesac, will promptly respond to any questions or concerns our neighbors may have. In these ways, BPG has and will continue to be a positive community resource serving patients in the City of Berkeley and the surrounding region. BPG will integrate well with our new neighborhood and make the city proud of its choice to support this organization.