January 8, 2011

Boulder City Council Tries to Harm Medical Marijuana Participants

January 8, 2011
colorado cannabis amendment 64

colorado cannabisBoulder City Council Despises Medical Marijuana

Just one day after Boulder, Colorado city officials removed a map from its website that showed the locations of 60 medical marijuana cultivation centers in the city — sites that were supposed to be kept secret, due to robbery concerns — a city spokesman admitted Friday that a second, even more detailed map was also accidentally made public.

The new map, removed from the city’s website on Friday, January 7, showed the locations of more than a dozen marijuana-growing operations. It also gave the exact addresses of two sites just east of downtown Boulder, reports Heath Urie at the Boulder Daily Camera.

“There was a second map on the online version [of a packet created for the Boulder City Council] and that has been removed from the website,” said Patrick von Keyserling, Boulder’s communication manager.

It is against Colorado state law for local governments to disclose the locations of marijuana cultivation centers. State lawmakers have exempted records with identifying information about the sites from the Colorado Open Records Act out of concern that would-be pot robbers might target the operations.

Boulder has now removed two maps in as many days showing the locations of cultivation sites in the city. Both maps were included in a council briefing packet that was posted to the city’s website on December 29.

The latest map to be removed is potentially a clearer violation of the law requiring the locations of sites to be kept secret, according to von Keyserling — because it contained specific addresses.

“Under the law for medical marijuana at this point, we are not supposed to be releasing publicly the specific address of a marijuana grow facility,” von Keyserling said.

He said it’s less clear that the city violated state law by disclosing the first map, since it didn’t give specific addresses (which presumably means thieves — including DEA agents — would just have to work a little harder to find the grow sites).

Von Keyserling even said it was possible that the city could re-release the first map, which doesn’t list specific addresses.

I came across this article on Toke of the Town. It was authored by the Great Steve Elliot. A special thanks to him for giving TWB permission to post it


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