March 12, 2013

California Medical Cannabis Policy Summit And Lobby Day 2013

March 12, 2013
California Issues Proposed Medical Marijuana Licensing Rules

California Medical Cannabis Policy Summit And Lobby Day 2013By Steph Sherer, Americans for Safe Access

Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is pleased to announce the 2013 California Medical Cannabis Policy Summit & Lobby Day sponsored by Californians to Regulate Medical Marijuana (CRMM). This year’s summit and lobby day will be in Sacramento on May 4th-6th. The event will include a networking reception on Saturday evening, a full day of stakeholder meetings to discuss statewide and local strategies, and skill-building workshops for citizen-lobbyists. On Monday, we will have a press conference and lobby day so that you will have the chance to talk with your state legislators about safe access to medical cannabis in California.

Last year was a great success and we must build on our momentum by showing Sacramento that there is an organized constituency fighting for safe access. We will be announcing more specific details soon such as the specific venue, registration information, and daily agenda. Please be on the lookout for these announcements in the coming weeks.

Mark your calendars and I will see you CA May 4th-6th!

Source: Americans for Safe Access, make a donation!


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