Medical marijuana patients in Delaware have been waiting a long time for safe access to medical marijuana. It appears that the wait will finally be over in early 2015. Per Delaware Online:
There are now 166 Delawareans registered for state-regulated medical marijuana identification cards per the law, many of whom have eagerly awaited for a dispensary for three years.
“So that will be nice. There won’t be any shortages,” said Todd Kitchen, a patient advocate with fibromyalgia who pushed for the state’s medical marijuana legislation in 2011.
But in the meantime, getting marijuana readily is difficult.
“We still have to get our stuff from the street. That’s not safe. There’s no quality control,” Kitchen said.
People suffering from cancer, MS, HIV, hepatitis C, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, PTSD, seizures, constant nausea, and/or sever pain qualify to become a medical marijuana patient in Delaware. Delaware’s 166 patient statistic is very low, but Delaware is a very small state. Also, with no way to get access to medical marijuana, there’s less incentive to enroll in the program. Once safe access is established, I expect the number of enrolled patients to grow significantly.