I received the following message from the Florida medical marijuana campaign. If you are in Florida, get involved!:
Radical groups are already mounting opposition and spreading misinformation about our campaign and medical marijuana in general.
A recent statement from the Executive Director of Drug Free America Foundation, Inc. equated the potential effect of a state-sanctioned medical marijuana model to a criminal enterprise, just like pill-mills.
To equate medical marijuana (which kills no one) with the poisonous, deadly and highly addictive opiates found in illegal pill-mills is irresponsible.
Please help us fight back – and reach our end of quarter goal by contributing here.
Our opponents place ideology before the needs of seriously ill Floridians. The reality is that the failure of legislature to implement medical marijuana logically leads to patients having no alternatives but dangerous and deadly prescription drugs.
Cancer, AIDS, neurological pain, epilepsy and countless other conditions and diseases for which marijuana has therapeutic value affect everyone, regardless of their political and social ideology. This is an issue of compassion, for everyone – and the right of doctors to make their best judgments about treatment.