November 6, 2015

Fire DEA Head Chuck Rosenberg for Calling Medical Marijuana A ”Joke”

November 6, 2015
fired marijuana job

fired marijuana jobTom Angell and the Marijuana Majority organization started a petition today calling for the termination of employment for DEA Chief Chuck Rosenberg. The petition was in reaction to Mr. Rosenberg’s recent comments that referred to medical marijuana as a “joke.” I’m encouraging everyone to sign it. Below is the language of the petition, which can be signed at this link here:

Chuck Rosenberg, acting head of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) just made highly offensive comments calling medical marijuana a “joke.”

While it’s nothing new for drug war bureaucrats to oppose enacting sensible marijuana policies, Rosenberg’s comments go way too far.

Medical marijuana is not a “joke” to the millions of seriously ill patients in a growing numbers of states who use it legally in accordance with doctors’ recommendations.

It is not a “joke” to the growing number of prominent medical organizations — American Nurses Association, American College of Physicians, American Academy of Family Physicians, for example — who know that cannabis has real and proven medical benefits.

And it’s not a “joke” to the clear majority of U.S voters who support passing laws to protect medical marijuana patients from harassment by police and the DEA.

President Obama should fire Chuck Rosenberg and appoint a new DEA administrator who will respect science, medicine, patients and voters.


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