I received the following message from the Florida medical marijuana campaign:
Our veterans returning home with PTSD are suffering and dying at an alarming rate, with too few therapeutic and pharmaceutical resources to help.
Many veterans, however, have used marijuana to help alleviate their PTSD symptoms, with great results. In fact, some of the states where medical marijuana is legal have specifically indicated PTSD as a condition for its use. Amendment 2 does the same.
To deny our veterans access to this medicine, so critical in some cases to their mental health, is to condemn them to a cruel and possibly fatal situation. Those paid to do No on 2’s bidding are already complicit in extending the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Floridians.
In 2014, the Times-Union reported that although veterans make up only 8 percent of the state’s population, they accounted for more than 25 percent of its suicides. If medical marijuana—or anything!!!—can help lower that atrocious statistic, it is incumbent upon all of us to advocate for it.
The No on 2 people and their big-time wealthy funders need to remember that on Memorial Day.
We are fighting back, for those who have fought for this country, one small donation at a time. Our fight isn’t just for veterans, but if we can save even a few of them by passing Amendment 2, it will have been worth it.
– The United for Care Team.