It wasn’t that long ago that a poll was released showing that the Florida medical marijuana initiative was winning by a landslide. A poll was released earlier this year showing the initiative winning 88% percent of the estimated vote. While the lead has shrunk in recent polls, the latest poll still shows the initiative winning. And not only is it winning, it’s getting more than the required 60% ‘yes’ votes to pass on Election Day. Per Public Policy Polling:
Florida’s medical marijuana amendment is still receiving more than the 60% it needs to become law, but opposition to it has risen in recent months. 61% of voters say they support it to 33% who are opposed. That’s down from a 66/25 spread in favor of passage in June and a 65/23 spread in favor in January.
There is still work to be done in Florida. While I’m confident that victory will be achieved on Election Day and compassion will prevail, it’s far from a guarantee. If you live in Florida, contact the campaign, make a donation, and/or volunteer to help spread the word. Truth is on the initiative’s side, along with compassion, voters just need to know it. The battle in Florida has been fierce, with the opposition spreading propaganda as much as they can. Let’s send those opponents packing and win on Election Day! You can find out more about the campaign at this link here.