NORML Nebraska is trying to gather signatures to get medical marijuana on the ballot in Nebraska. If you live in that area do your part:
We need your help! It will take 125,000 signatures to get the Medical Marijuana Initiative on the ballot. This may seem like a lot, but with enough volunteers, along with a little dedication, we will accomplish our goal.
If you believe in ending marijuana prohibition in Nebraska, this is the best way you can help.
This is not something to take lightly, we will need 125,000 signatures to get on the ballot, which with a little dedication and enough volunteers can easily be done. Keep in mind that sending the materials out to the number of volunteers dedicated to get the required signatures is rather costly, but if we have a ton of volunteers who aren’t willing to put in the required work, it would cost a small fortune to get the required signatures. That is why this is not a decision to be taken lightly.
If you are serious and would like to volunteer, you can call us at 402-953-2053, or send your name, address, and a contact number to [email protected], or in a private message. Make sure you let us know that you want to volunteer to circulate the Initiative.
Once we have your address, we will mail you the materials you will need to get started. Once you receive the materials, give us a call on the enclosed phone number and we will do the training over the phone.
Thank You.
Check out this event on Facebook