Below is a very important message, and I encourage all TWB readers to donate to this very worth cause. I have a lot of family in Idaho, and I can say from first hand accounts, Idaho is no place to be if you use cannabis for medicinal purposes :
We are 2/3 of The Idaho Three and we Need Set Free!!
We are Lindsey, Josh, Laustin, and Elijah Rinehart and we need to become Idaho Refugees. An Idaho Refugee is a local term for people that leave the state due to bad laws. In our case, it’s medical cannabis. I, Lindsey, have Multiple Sclerosis and need medical cannabis to treat it. On April 23rd 2013 our house was raided and our children stolen by CPS due to my medical needs. I am the Chief Petitioner to get medical cannabis in our state and have been very high profile in changing our state’s laws for myself and all of the other sick Idahoans. This case of the children being taken made National and International News. Links will be at the bottom of this writing. Our state has failed us and we Have to move, and it’s Urgent!
Our family went through hell while our children were gone. They were/are lost, angry and confused as to why they were taken. They were gone for 17 days and have come home wounded and scarred. We were/are heart broken, crushed, slandered, and drug through the mud. Both boys have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder now, and so do we. We are Scared to be in Idaho. I no longer use cannabis to treat my MS but I am still the Chief Petitioner to try to get medical cannabis in Idaho.
I grew up here from a small child. Josh, Laustin, and Elijah have all been born and raised here. Leaving our home is something that we have fought against but now it’s Desperate. Treating with cannabis helped my disease quit attacking me and helped it not progress. Now that it has been so long my health is rapidly declining. This last week the MS flared and flung me into an exacerbation of symptoms. The skin on my back and front is on fire. I have weakness and fatigue. My whole body aches. My brain is fog. As my quality of life is deteriorating my children and loved ones are becoming more and more scared for my health as they all know that moving to a medical state will make this stop as soon as I can begin cannabis treatment. Complying with doctorsl I went back on several pills to try to keep my disease in check, but they have all failed.
The children want us to move. They want me to be able to treat with cannabis. Even though they are just 11 and 5, they Know there is a difference in me and want me better. They don’t want to ever get removed again and they don’t want me sick. Josh is distraught to see me fall back into the MS as well. I am in tremendous pain and the doctors want me to do steroid treatment and pills but steroids have only worked on 1 of my 7 attacks I tried them on. I had one attack that I didn’t seek steroids years ago. I have had MS for 6 years. I am 30 years old. I also have NO criminal record, with exception to 2 parking tickets from 9 years ago.
Due to finances moving to even The closest medical state is impossible. For the climate that would be best for my disease we need to move across that state. I am on disability. Josh is looking at work and school for once we move to our new home. We will be selling a lot of things that we own, and putting All of our money into this move as well. We are downsizing to a 2 bedroom from 3 to make things cheaper.
Helping us with your donation goes to the U-Haul, gas for the U-Haul, a Home (1st month and deposits), utilities on, food, and basic necessities until we are settled in. We may need to stay in a Hotel 6 for a day or two while everything is in placed into order. Anything that you can donate adds to up to helping keep our family staying together and my health getting better!
No amount is too small or too large. We need help. We have until July 30th to vacate our current home. We put in 30 days notice on the 10th but the landlady asked if we can be out in 20. It will be cheaper to do that instead of paying for a third of a months rent in this house. We thought that we had some help in a place to stay for August while these funds are raised but unfortunately it fell through. We went from having 45 days to raise them to 15 days.
Thank you for reading our story. Here are some links to verify everything that I have said. Please donate if you can and Thank You for ALL of your support, monetary or not. We wouldn’t be to this point with out people like you helping put our family back together!
How everything first got started for me. News Channel 12“> This is what my pills looked like 2 years ago and the state that they have returned to. Notice the “sagging” in my face, uneven smile and eyes? That was GONE with cannabis;set=a.1311105072251.42905.1669368672&type=1&theater”>;set=a.1311105072251.42905.1669368672&type=1&theater
It’s coming back. It’s the most superficial symptom that some people can See. MS is silent.
Here is our facebook:“>
Here is our section through Compassionate Idaho:“>
A Message to my Children“>
Our Press Conference After Kids were Taken:
Russ Belville Show:“>
The first Local Piece KTVB:“>
International News:
Russia: RTT News:;utm_source=google&utm_campaign=sitemap”>;utm_source=google&utm_campaign=sitemap
National News:
Huffington Post:“>“> with a follow up piece:“>“>“>“>
Local News:
Idaho Statesman:
Boise Weekly:“>
I hope that this will help you all decide to help us along. We could really use the help! Thank you!