September 7, 2012

Johnny Green Joins Americans For Safe Access

September 7, 2012
Americans For Safe Access press conference detroit michigan

Americans For Safe AccessJoin Johnny Green In Joining Americans For Safe Access

I did something today that was WAY overdue. I officially joined Americans for Safe Access. I have been a member of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program since 2006, and I have always supported Americans for Safe Access (ASA) via The Weed Blog, but it was beyond time to take the official leap and become an official member. How does someone join Americans for Safe Access? It’s very easy! Below is information from ASA’s website:

When you donate to ASA, you’re not only supporting the movement, you’re becoming a part of it. ASA brings patients’ voices to the table and focuses debates on what matters to patients: safe access and civil rights. We cannot create good policy without including the voices and experiences of patients and those who provide them with access to care. That is what ASA members have brought to this movement and that is what we can bring to this nation.

By participating in this movement, you are helping create the future of medical cannabis in your city, state, and country. By donating to ASA, you can help ensure that we will reach our goals!

Until there’s safe access, we are Americans for Safe Access.

I encourage all Weed Blog readers to click here to make a donation and join Americans for Safe Access Today!

americans for safe access donation


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