November 9, 2015

Kentucky’s Incoming Governor Supports Medical Marijuana Legalization

November 9, 2015
matt bevin medical marijuana kentucky governor

matt bevin medical marijuana kentucky governorDuring the 2015 Election, all eyes from marijuana fans were on Ohio to see if Ohio would become the fifth state to legalize recreational marijuana. The initiative of course failed. But while that was going on, another significant thing occurred from a marijuana reform perspective during the election. A pro-medical marijuana candidate was elected Governor of Kentucky. Per Reason:

As Peter Suderman noted last night, Republican Matt Bevin beat Democrat Jack Conway in the race for governor of Kentucky by a comfortable nine-point margin. One interesting wrinkle in that contest was that Bevin said he would seek to legalize medical use of marijuana if he were elected, while Conway vehemently rejected the idea. During a televised debate on October 25, High Times reported last week, Bevin “told the crowd that there is enough ‘unequivocal medical evidence’ that cannabis has therapeutic benefit to support the development of a comprehensive medical marijuana program across the state and begin allowing the herb to ‘be prescribed like any other prescription drug.'”

When you think of marijuana reform, Kentucky may not be the first place that you think of, but there has been a growing movement for a long time to reform Kentucky’s marijuana laws, and specifically for medical marijuana. The late great Gatewood Galbraith had been pushing for medical marijuana in Kentucky for a long time prior to his death in 2012, and efforts have continued on after his death. Will medical marijuana be coming to Kentucky in the near future? Apparently if the incoming Governor has anything to say about it, it will. My question is, what will that medical marijuana reform look like? Because if it’s CBD-only, with no legal way to obtain it, that’s going to be very sad.


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