I first heard about the Gridiron Cannabis Coalition from my buddy Kaliko. He had ran into some of the people that are with the organization, and sent me some texts and links. The more I checked them out, the more I was intrigued. The organization has a very unique message. Below is more information about the organization, via their website:
The Gridiron Cannabis Coalition is dedicated to the advancement of medical marijuana in the modern age. Driven by research and development, the GCC mission is committed to the evolution of the natural healing elements of the cannabis plant.
The sport of American Football is plagued with multiple ailments and diseases currently void of non-addictive treatments or cures. The GCC is determined to resolve this impasse to allow players and the public the option of an organic treatment for injury and illness.
I have been seeing Kyle Turley and the Gridiron Cannabis Coalition all over the place lately, which makes me smile. There are a lot of different ways that people like to communicate, and a lot of different ways how people will be receptive to hearing a particular message. You see this when you talk to really stubborn people that won’t even entertain the idea of talking rationally about marijuana and its benefits because they can’t get past the fact that its illegal. These same people have been indoctrinated with reefer madness for so many decades that they hear the word marijuana, and instantly put up walls.
Kyle Turley’s message resonates with sports fans. Whether you like sports or not, I think we can all acknowledge that a ton of people like sports, and especially football. Football is a brutal sport, and takes a huge toll on players’ bodies during their playing careers. There’s a film coming out called Concussion on Christmas Day that will cover brain injuries in painful detail. A lot of people are going to go see that film, some people of which that are very much opposed to marijuana. They will walk out of the movie theater thinking, ‘There has to be a better way, right? There has to be something out there that can help these athletes, and others that suffer from brain injuries.’
I haven’t seen the film yet, obviously, but I’m hoping that the film will also touch on the NFL’s painkiller abuse. The pain, and the pharmaceuticals that are pushed on athletes in all sports, are a very big issue in sports, America, and beyond. Fortunately there is something that can help (cannabis), and also fortunately there is someone like Kyle Turley to go around telling his story. I read a story in which Kyle Turley stated he incurred over 100 concussions in his football playing career from start to finish. He also was very much addicted to painkillers. He’s overcoming those obstacles and is ‘getting himself back’ as I heard him say in an interview on ESPN.
Kyle Turley’s story is powerful. It’s a story that many athletes can relate to, that fans can relate to, and anyone who doesn’t want people to suffer can also relate to. I know a lifelong Kansas City Chiefs fan that was completely opposed to medical marijuana (yes, I have friends from all walks of life). I have been talking to this guy for probably two decades about the benefits of medical marijuana, and how it can help people that are suffering.
Recently I asked him if he knew who Kyle Turley was, to which he answered ‘of course I do, I love that guy.’ My friend would never hear me out previously, but I went to him with the below video, and literally by the end of the video he was tearing up and apologizing to me for not listening sooner:
That’s a very powerful story. If you know of someone that is against marijuana and they play football, or like football, or any sport really, or they suffer from brain injuries, or are addicted to painkillers, show them this video. I look forward to seeing what Mr. Turley and the Gridiron Cannabis Coalition has in store, and like I said before, if anyone from the organization wants help spreading the good word, just let me know.