State Representative Allen Peake (R) has announced his support for legalizing medical cannabis in Georgia after visiting 4-year-old Haleigh Cox in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta earlier this week.
Haleigh suffers from a sever seizure disorder, and will be relocating from Georgia to Colorado next month so she can have access to the cannabis oil that is helping so many other children with conditions similar to hers.
Peake, previously unconvinced of the need for medical cannabis, has had a change of heart; “This has been a huge shift for me,” he stated. “When you see that little girl, the precious little angel,” he said, speaking on his visit with Haleigh, “It’s touched me deep, deep in my soul, so I’m going to do everything I can to see what we can do for these families.”
Representative Peake will be joined by many advocates like Haleigh’s family who are fighting for medical cannabis legalization this session. “If it was my child I’d be crawling over broken glass to get legislation passed, as would any legislator who’s here”, says Peak. “Why can’t we as a state be compassionate enough to look at what makes sense?”
Georgia’s House Speaker David Ralston has also recently announced that he open to legalizing medical cannabis, saying “Let’s take the politics out of it, and look at the science and hear the medical professionals.”