New polling conducted by the Western New England University Polling Institute has found that 61% of adults in Massachusetts are in support of having a medical cannabis dispensary in their community, with only 30% opposed to the idea.
The poll also found that, a year after medical cannabis was legalized in the state, support for medical cannabis has risen substantially. In 2012 voters approved medical cannabis legalization with 63% of the vote; this new poll has found that 74% in the state are in support of medical cannabis, with only 30% opposed.
Support for medical cannabis has the majority support of every age group, including 83% of those 18 to 34, and 61% of those 65 and older. Those 65 and older were the only age group in which support for having a medical cannabis dispensary in their dispensary wasn’t above 50%, but regardless, more were found to be in support than opposed to such a move (48% to 38%).
The full poll results can be found by clicking here.
Source: TheJointBlog.Com