SF United Medical Marijuana Rally And Press Conference
Stand with us to show, San Francisco is United behind Medical Cannabis!
Please join SF United and City Hall Officials on the Polk Street steps of City Hall to stand in support of the San Francisco Medical Cannabis Program.
We are going to send a clear message to the Federal government; Stop interfering with State and local laws for safe access to our medicine!
We are united as an organized and vocal community to push back against this senseless attack on our permitted San Francisco dispensaries!
Rally starts promptly at 11:00 am April 3, 2012
Press Conference at 11:30 am Noon March from City Hall to the Federal Building at 450 Golden Gate Ave. for protest!
Confirmed Guest Speakers
Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors
Medical Cannabis Patients, Most at risk of losing their trusted providers
Representatives of San Francisco City Attorney; Dennis Herrera Quintin Mecke,
Representative of Assemblymember Tom Ammiano
Permitted MCD Operators, Permitted by San Francisco and forced to close by Federal interference
Dale Gieringer, Spokesperson, California National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (CANORML)
Steph Sherer, Founder & Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA)
Joe Elford, Chief Counsel for Americans for Safe Access (ASA)
More speakers to be announced!
We would love to see you all there. If you can, please bring water, snacks and sunscreen to share with your fellow activists.
Learn more about SF UNITED and what you can do to help by visting:
Email: [email protected]
SF United Hotline at 415-505-8042