March 2, 2013

Michigan Videos Document Medical Marijuana Patient Hardships

March 2, 2013
new hampshire house medical marijuana hb 573

stop arresting medical marijuana patients michiganFallout From Marijuana Prohibition, Recent Supreme Court Decision Told By The People That Live It Every Day

Michigan has recently been awash with change for medical marijuana patients. These changes include legislation passed in the wee hours of the morning during a lame-duck session, conflicting Appellate and Supreme Court opinions and a new push by the Attorney General to shutter safe access points across the state. Patients tell their own stories of healing and their outrage at the mistreatment of the sick in a trio of new videos independently created by Michigan filmmakers.

BLAZED AND CONFUSED– University of Michigan alum Jen Whalen produced and shot this documentary about the medical marijuana movement in Michigan. Through interviews with attorneys and patients, the legal nuances of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act are explored- and the consequences of prohibition are documented. The hour-long video is an indepth examnation of the pain patients experience and how cannabis allows them to live their life without being drugged by pharmaceuticals.

INTERVIEW: SHOCKED PATIENTS SEARCH FOR ANSWERS– Steve Greene, host of the Medical Marijuana Radio Show (now called the Political Twist-Up Show) and a medical marijuana patient and caregiver, interviews patients and business owners on the consequences of the recent Supreme Court decision in the McQueen case. That ruling very narrowly interpreted the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act and forbade the transfer of cannabis from anyone to anyone for free or for profit, except from a caregiver to their legally registered patient, reversing four years of common understanding and practice across the state. Patients tell of their difficulty obtaining medication reliably and safely in the wake of the Court’s ruling. 4 1/2 minutes.

YOU CAN’T TAKE IT BACK– Kalamazoo’s premiere safe access center, MedJoint, was the studio for this seven minute video featuring a young woman and her story of seizures that have been controlled through the use of non-psychotropic cannabis compounds. Her mother contributes to the story, underscoring the fact that medicinal use of cannabis has a positive effect on families. MedJoint front man Kevin Spitler is promoting this video to illustrate the consequences of shutting down Centers where patients can access non-traditional forms of cannamedications, a direct result of the Supreme Court decision in McQueen.

Source: The Compassion Chronicles


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