A new poll released Wednesday from Public Policy Polling has found that 65% of voters in Florida would support a ballot measure legalizing medical cannabis; considering they are almost certain to have such a measure on this November’s ballot, these high approval ratings may offer a promising prediction of Florida’s near future.
Participants were asked, “Would you support or oppose a ballot initiative allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes?”, and offered a simple choice: “Support”, “Oppose” or “Not sure”. While 12% responded that they were unsure, a clear majority were in favor: “Though marijuana possession is still criminalized in Florida, voters overwhelmingly support legalizing its use for medical purposes (65/23). Even 50% of Republicans support the medical marijuana initiative, with numbers highest among Independents (77/9)”, according to Public Policy Polling.
Even those who identified as “very conservative”, the group voicing the strongest opposition, polled at just 50% opposed, with 40% in favor and 10% unsure.
United for Care, the organization behind the initiative to legalize medical cannabis in Florida, recently submitted over 1 million signatures to put the measure to a vote this year (with just under 700,000 being required to put the issue to a vote); once validated, the initiative will be secured on this November’s ballot (pending a review by the Supreme Court).
The medical cannabis initiative Floridians may be voting on this year is a constitutional amendment, so it requires a 60% majority – but with months to educate the public and build even more support, 65% in favor this early on bodes well for its chance of passage.
Source: TheJointBlog.Com