January 29, 2014

NFL Should Look Into Medical Marijuana, Says Seattle Seahawks Coach

January 29, 2014
pete caroll marijuana seattle seahawks nfl

pete caroll marijuana seattle seahawks nflCourtesy of The Joint Blog

Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll believes that the NFL should look into allowing the use of medical cannabis, as a means of taking the best possible care of its players.

“I would say that we have to explore and find ways to make our game a better game and take care of our players in whatever way possible,”Carroll said in a press conference today, the first day of practice for the Seahawks prior to the Superbowl. “Regardless of what other stigmas might be involved, we have to do this because the world of medicine is doing this.”

The conversation surrounding medical cannabis in the NFL was brought to the forefront recently when Commissioner Roger Goodell stated that he’s open to eventually allowing players to use it.

“We will follow medicine, and if they determine this could be [of] proper usage in any context, we will consider that”, he said.

Source: TheJointBlog.Com


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