December 19, 2012

NJWeedman Files $420,000 Lawsuit Against San Bernadino Sheriff Department

December 19, 2012
Feminized seeds can produce beautiful buds.

njweedman lawsuit san bernadino sheriff departmentBy, Big Oscar N. Goodtree

Complaint: On Dec 17th, 2010 a unknown number of San Bernadino Sheriffs descended on Santa Fee Springs Grow operation of “NJWeedman” with a search warrant. They left with 422 fully mature Cannabis plants that were about to be harvested, a couple pounds of dried Cannabis and hundreds of valid Doctor Recommendations and various legal paperwork that signified to the sheriffs that this was definitely a legal grow operation in Los Angeles County. No charges were ever filed. No San Bernadino Sheriff spokesman could ever fully explain why San Bernadino Sheriffs were raiding a location in Santa Fee Springs which is clearly located well within Los Angeles County limits, no compensation or return of plants ever occurred.

Edward Forchion – aka- NJWeedman was the lease holder for the building raided, he was the director of the Liberty Bell Temple Inc., a legal Marijuana dispensary located in Hollywood, and this was his legal grow operation. Forchion says, “At the time the Liberty Bell Temple Inc., had just won a Court injunction ( Dec 10th, 2010) to stay open in a Los Angeles Court lawsuit ( Liberty Bell Temple Inc., Vs Los Angeles )”. Was the San Bernadino Sheriffs Office doing a favor for sore loser’s in the City of Los Angeles prosecution office, LA authorities clearly were forbidden from acting on NJWEEDMAN’s grow due to valid Court Injunction? Did Los Angeles authorities pull a fast one on the Courts by enlisting the services of the San Bernadino Sheriffs Office? NJweedman says “for a while I was expecting a indictment, a charge even a asset forfeiture hearing none every came. It just turned out to be a straight robbery by cop. A Coppery“. The SBC Sheriffs robbed me!

Today as the statute of limitations entered the final day ( two years) NJWeedman filed a State Civil Lawsuit BC497449 Forchion -Vs- San Bernadino Sheriff Department seeking $420,000.oo and punitive damages.

NJWeedman says, “I just rounded off the figure to approximately $1000 a plant asked for a jury trial and punitive damages. I hope in the future a jury will do the right thing and send a message to Law Enforcement to follow the law”. When asked by various media outlets for a comment “No comment” was issued by the San Bernadino Sheriff Rod Hoops when called by phone for a response. Forchion says, “Over $50,000 was invested into that operation and they just came a stole the plants valued at over $500,000 days before harvest resulting in a total loss”. There was no notice that it was destroyed or burned I never received another piece of paper from the Sheriffs as to why they did this to me! I’m curious if it was given to a more politically correct operation, or bagged up and distributed by the sheriffs themselves. What happened to the BUDz – HOOPS? Maybe with this lawsuit I’ll at least find out what happened to my indica!







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