Tell The President: Fight Crime, Not Medical Cannabis
Join us in a peaceful protest demonstrating your support for California’s medical marijuana laws when President Obama comes to visit Oakland this Monday, July 23rd.
WHERE: Oakland City Hall Plaza, Broadway & 14th St.
WHEN: Today, Noon – 5 PM
12 – 1 PM Street Theater
(1:45 PM – Press Conference at Oaksterdam University, 1600 Broadway)
3 PM – Gather for President’s Visit
4:30 PM – Obama visits Fox Theater (in the heart of Oaksterdam, target of recent federal actions against medical marijuana)
Bring sunscreen and water, weather forecast is in the 80s
Join us in a peaceful protest of the federal government’s assault on state-approved medical cannabis providers in California and elsewhere. In violation of Attorney General Holder’s sworn policy to respect state medical marijuana laws, N. Cal. U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag has threatened local officials and landlords for allowing medical cannabis
distribution, invented arbitrary and capricious new rules contrary to established local policy, and targeted many of the Bay Area’s leading dispensaries for closure despite their adherence to state and local laws. Most recently, Haag has moved to close the Bay Area’s largest dispensary, Harborside, on the grounds that it is too big (and successful) by filing to forfeit its landlord’s property.
The DOJ’s assault on medical cannabis has cost California hundreds of tax-paying businesses, thousands of jobs, and millions of dollars in tax revenues, to the sole benefit of black-market criminals. In other federal actions, the Department of Treasury has blocked banks and credit-card companies from doing business with medical cannabis
providers; NIDA has blocked medical marijuana research; the BATF has denied medical marijuana patients the right to buy firearms, even while funneling weapons to Mexican narco-trafficantes; and the DEA has declared that marijuana has no medical use despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
Remind the President of his campaign pledge on medical marijuana from March, 2008: “I’m not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue”
Watch the rally live starting at noon
Watch Live at 12pm PST
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