Ohio Medical Marijuana Supporters One Step Closer To Gathering More Signatures
I just read a very positive article from The Columbus Dispatch in Ohio. It was determined that ‘The Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment to the Ohio Constitution contains a “fair and truthful” summary and has the necessary 1,000 signatures of Ohio registered voters.’ According to the article, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine certified the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment yesterday. Next up, the Ohio Ballot Board will decide whether the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment will appear on the General Election ballot as a single issue or multiple issues.
I’m not from Ohio, so I’m not exactly sure what that means. Here in Oregon, we did a vote on a couple of measures in 1998, with each one dealing with medical marijuana. Here, when two similar initiatives appear on the ballot, the one with the higher vote total is the one that takes effect. I don’t know if that is what they are referring to in the article? If someone out there in Ohio could clarify in the comments section below, this poly sci nerd is curious!
If the Ohio Ballot Board gives the green light to the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment, medical marijuana supporters can start gathering the 385,245 valid signatures to put it on the ballot. The Ohio Alternative Treatment Amendment is already gathering signatures, and like in a lot of states, there will be multiple medical marijuana efforts. Ohio has long been prime for medical marijuana reform, and with big money inside the state, I feel like there is a good chance at victory come election day. What do you say Ohio, you up to the task?! I sure hope so!
Information about the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment of 2012 is available at www.omca2012.org.
Information about the Ohio Alternative Treatment Amendment is at www.ohiommjballot.org/hometop.html.