One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone uses the ‘I am compassionate’ stance, knowing that the only reason they are in the medical marijuana industry is to line their own pockets. I see it all to often here in Oregon and in other states I’ve visited. If these people were truly in it to help patients, they wouldn’t be selling mediocre medical marijuana at high prices like they do. Something fantastic, and rare, happened over the weekend. A group in Denver gave away free marijuana to veterans to help those veterans ease their ailments. Per Newsday:
Hundreds of military veterans received free marijuana during a special giveaway in Denver designed to show that pot can help ease their pain.
Members of Operation Grow4Vets said the Saturday event aimed to offer veterans an alternative to prescription drugs to help with anxiety, pain and other problems. The organization also says it gave out 400 bags of marijuana-infused products at the Denver Cannabis Giveaway.
“We’re really here to help them with their medical conditions,” including post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, the group’s founder, Roger Martin, himself a veteran, told KDVR-TV. “There’s a wide variety of ailments. Anything that involves pain.”
There needs to be more of this in medical marijuana states. The people that need medical marijuana the most are often the people that don’t have the means or money to grow it themselves, or pay outrageous prices at dispensaries. I tip my hat to the members of Operation Grow4Vets!