May 3, 2011

Peacefully Protest at Medical Marijuana Court Cases

May 3, 2011
medical marijuana saves lives

medical marijuana saves livesPeaceful Courtroom Protests Are Very Powerful For The Marijuana Movement

Yesterday was a very emotional day for patients as actions took place nation wide protesting the sentence of two Medical Cannabis Advocates here in California who had to surrender them selves for a 5 year mandatory minimum in Sacramento. Dr. Mollie Fry (breast cancer survivor) and her husband Dale Schafer (an attorney) were convicted of growing more than one hundred plants (less than 40 at a time), and after a long fight, had to turn them selves in. A special thanks to the hundreds of people to helped bring attention to this case.

Reminder that Thursday May 5th (happy cinco de mayo!) is our Monthly Sonoma ASA meeting at 99 West Sixth Street @ Wilson in Railroad square, Santa Rosa. The meeting starts at 5pm, and refreshments will be provided.

Agenda items include; updates on Meeting with DA, Santa Rosa, Local & federal court cases, DEA raids in Montana & Washington, and our details on planning the next movie series of “what if cannabis cures cancer”. Please join us all are welcome

Below you will find information about three medical cannabis cases which are upcoming in the month of May. If you are able to attend court support please come! More details on each case are listed below.

I look forward to seeing you there!
Volunteer Coordinator for Sonoma County ASA
[email protected]

Dear Folks,

We are writing to let you know about three important medical cannabis court cases coming up in May. We hope that many of you will be able to attend and support these individuals. While there are other cases that are also worthy of support, SAMM felt an urgency as two of these cases are scheduled for trial.

1. Joshua Eckert: May 4, 9:00 am, Courtroom 13, to review alleged new evidence.
Trial is set for May 27, 9:00 am, Ctrm. 13.
(Chet Jenkins will also be in court May 4th in courtroom 13)
2. Chris Haynes: May 5, 9:00 am, Courtroom 13, Readiness.
May 10, 9:00, Ctrm.13, Preliminary.

3. Carlos Alcazar: May 20, 10:30 am, Courtroom 6, Trial.

These cases are somewhat complex and so we have included attachments which we hope you will open to read the charges and details.

Courtrooms are in the Hall of Justice, 600 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa

Kumari Sivadas, for Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana
[email protected]

Joshua Eckert, SCR55418
Represented by Jonathan Matthews
Charges: Possession of marijuana for sale, Transportation of marijuana for sale, 9 counts of
resisting arrest, battery on a police officer and resisting a police officer by force
Petaluma and Rohnert Park Police Dept.
Medical Cannabis seized: Less than 4 oz.
Patient recommendations: 2
Location: Highway 101 Rohnert Park January 2009
Details: Joshua and his girlfriend, Kira Thompson, were returning from Arizona to their home in Humboldt County. She had been working with her dad, in his landscaping business and had $4,000 cash saved. Joshua had about $4,000 which he had received from his father’s inheritance. The Petaluma police followed their van to Rohnert Park, where the RP police stopped them. Josh got out of the van closing the door to keep the dog in. Police proceeded to physically assault him, knee in his back, hit with a flashlight multiple times, deliver blows with a wooden baton, and apply pressure point techniques to his chin.. He was also tasered repeatedly and leg sweeped into the off-ramp endangering him to exiting traffic to Santa Rosa Ave. Kira, who was inside the van, was afraid not knowing who they were and called 911. More police arrived so that 4-5 officers were beating him. Joshua begged and pleaded, was totally nonviolent and did not resist. Police grabbed Kira’s phone and handcuffed her. Josh suffered severe injuries and feels the physical aftermath of the encounter to this day. Both Joshua and Kira were arrested. Joshua went from jail to the hospital where his injuries were examined and photographed. When they got out of jail the next day, they found their dog dead at an animal shelter.He apparently had been left for dead on the side of the highway. Both Joshua and Kira were severely traumatized. At the time of the incident, Joshua was a 70% disabled veteran, suffering from depression and heart problems. He has sustained permanent injuries related to this incident and must now walk with a cane. Kira’s charges of marijuana possession and sales were finally dropped after 1 year of numerous court appearances. Joshua’s marijuana charges were also dismissed 2 months later, but the drugs, medical approvals, and money are still under police custody. He still faces one felony count and 8 misdemeanor charges for resisting an officer
Current status: Joshua’s next court date is May 4 to review alleged new evidence. Jury trial is set for May 27, 2011, 9:00am, Courtroom 13.


Chris Haynes, SCR591419
Represented by Steve Spiegelman
Charges: 2 felonies: Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Sell and Cultivation
of Marijuana.
Santa Rosa Police Dept., Officer Eric Litchfield.
Medical cannabis seized: 36 indoor flowering plants
6 pounds processed cannabis
12 outdoor plants
60 small 6″ plants
Patient recommendations: 39
Location: 416 Macklyn Ave., Santa Rosa Date of incident: October 2010
Details: Law enforcement smelled odor and obtained a search warrant. When SRPD officers arrived, they did not allow Chris to show them the
39 patient approvals and “Articles of incorporation for Cooperative Grow” written up by Attorney, Matt Cumin. Officer Litchfield was upset that this grow was only 3-4 blocks from the SR police station. He called Chris a “little punk”, threatened to turn it over to the Feds, and told him that “if he ever planted another seed in his city he would squash him like an insect”. They confiscated all 108 plants and processed cannabis. Chris’s brother, Jacob, has also been charged and is represented by Attorney, Alec Henderson.
Current: Chris’s next court appearance is Readiness on May 5, 2011, 9:00 am, Ctrm. 13, and Preliminary on May 10, 2011, 9:00 am, Ctrm.13


Carlos Alcazar, SCR560596
Represented by Andrew Martinez
Charges: 2 Felonies: Cultivation and Gang enhancement
Sonoma County Narcotics Task Force and Gang Dept. ( DA)
Medical cannabis seized: 47 rooted clones
210 unrooted clones
Patient recommendations: 4
Windsor, 2008
Details: As a first time cannabis grower, Carlos was having difficulty maintaining viable clones for his collective. He is 36 years old, the single father of 3 children. He had some involvement with gangs when he was a teenager, but has had no involvement and a clean record for the past 18 years. He did, however, allow an acquaintance, who had been involved with a gang, to stay at his house on the condition that he work or go to college. This individual did enroll and is attending Santa Rosa Junior College. The gang charges against Carlos are based on a photo taken of 4 red shirts. Carlos has not been able to work in the last 2 1/2 years due to these felony charges
Current Status: Next court date May 20, 2011, 10:30 am, Courtroom 6 for Jury Trial.


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