February 20, 2015

Pennsylvania Lobby Day For Medical Marijuana Is Today

February 20, 2015
pennsylvania capital marijuana

pennsylvania capital marijuanaToday is lobby day for medical marijuana in Pennsylvania. The lobby day training put on by Students for Sensible Drug Policy has already passed, but there’s still time to make it to the capital and have your voice be heard. Below are more details:

Join student activists from around Pennsylvania as we take the fight for medical marijuana directly to Harrisburg!

Senators Daylin Leach (D-17) and Mike Folmer (R-48) have officially re-introduced SB 3, a largely unchanged version of the medical marijuana bill (SB 1182) that passed the senate at the end of 2014. Now, we need to start reaching out to the rest of the legislature. We will meet with senators in small groups and convince them to make the right choice for patients in Pennsylvania.

There will be a lobby day training on Thursday, February 12th at 7pm for those who are new to this (details forthcoming.) Lobbying is a fantastic chance to see democracy in action and a great opportunity to network with other Pennsylvania SSDP chapters.

For any questions about the lobby day or the training, please contact Jake Agliata at [email protected].

See you in Harrisburg!

Check out this event on Facebook


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