We just learned of a sheriff’s raid taking place this morning in Washington County. The Human Collective, located in Tigard, just a few miles from Portland, Oregon, was the subject of a raid by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, according to reporting from The Oregonian.
Our own Jennifer Alexander is on her way to the scene for photos and to gain more information. We will work to get representatives of The Human Collective on today’s show for an interview on today’s The Russ Belville Show.
Of all the “money walks in marijuana walks out” establishments that have cropped up in Oregon, Human Collective stands apart as one that strives to follow the letter and intent of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) to the highest degree. It is a clean, well-lit, well-run non-profit business headed by patients, caregivers, and growers trying to serve patients despite the OMMA’s bizarre restrictions on marijuana distribution.
For updates, follow my post on RadicalRuss.com.