On April 12, 2011 the San Diego City Council passed an ordinance that would have forced all currently operating medical cannabis collectives in the city to close their doors. Only a couple collectives would have been allowed to open after they came into compliance with one of the most restrictive ordinances in the state and the most restrictive zoning and operational requirements imposed on a business in the City of San Diego.
Before the ordinance took effect as law, medical marijuana advocates Patient Care Association (www.pcaca.org) and California Cannabis Coalition (www.californiacannabiscoalition.org) successfully gathered enough signatures to force a referendum on the ordinance. The signatures were submitted to the City Clerk for verification and on Wednesday, the community received confirmation that the signatures were valid.
The referendum successfully suspends the current ordinance from taking effect and forces the City Council to either repeal or put it up for vote at an election
Time and location of the city council meeting:
San Diego City Council
202 C Street 12 Floor
San Diego, Ca