Countdown To Election Day In Massachusetts
By Matt Allen, Executive Director, MPAA
With only a couple of days left until the election, we wanted to share two recent articles that we think you may like:
- Scott Lehigh’s column in the Boston Globe supporting Yes on Question 3 uses facts to show why it is important to families and debunks the fear tactics used by some of our opponents.
- Deborah Butler’s post on Blue Mass Group – if you read only one blog post on Question 3, it should be this one.
We would also like to bring to your attention our patient/advocate videos, two of which are brand new!
Please share these stories with your family and friends and don’t forget that we will be out holding signs on Election Day. If you are interested in any ‘Get Out the Vote’ activities, please email [email protected] or call 508-410-1547.
Your vote can save lives. Please have compassion and vote Yes on Question 3.