December 29, 2015

Sign The Florida Medical Marijuana Petition (Video)

December 29, 2015
Florida medical marijuana

Florida medical marijuanaThere are few things as powerful as a personal testimony when it comes to medical marijuana reform. It’s much easier for someone to relate to and support something when there is a face attached to it. I think the times that I’ve seen people change their mind about medical marijuana it almost always came as a result of the issue being personalized. Sometimes it’s because someone they know comes out of the ‘marijuana closet’ and lets them know that they use medical marijuana, and why. Other times its because the person wants to help an ailing friend or family member, and so they dive into the research and realize very quickly that medical marijuana is not a bad thing, and can actually do a tremendous amount of good.

The Florida campaign recently released a video to encourage people to sign the medical marijuana petition that is being circulated there. If you haven’t signed the petition yet, please do so. You can find out how at the campaign’s website:


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