May 26, 2011

Tell California Senators To End Medical Marijuana Discrimination

May 26, 2011
california marijuana employee rights

california marijuana employee rightsThe California Senate will vote this week on a bill to protect responsible law-abiding medical cannabis patients from employment discrimination. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) needs your help today to be sure that AB 129 is approved.

Take a moment right now to call your California Senator and ask him or her to support SB 129!

ASA is sponsoring Senator Mark Leno’s (D-SF) SB 129 to protect legal patients who face workplace discrimination just because they use medical cannabis. It is not fair that legal patients can be denied a job, be fired, or live in fear every day. SB 129 will stop this discrimination — but only if your Senator knows it is important to you.

SB 129 is a reasonable bill. It does not allow patients to use medical cannabis at work or be impaired by medical cannabis in the workplace. It contains an exemption for safety-sensitive positions. SB 129 simply gives legal medical cannabis patients the same protection as prescription drug users. That is not too much to ask!

Call your California Senator today and ask him or her to support SB 129. ASA’s Online Action Center makes it easy to find your Senator… and we even have a sample script for your phone call.

Americans for Safe AccessYour call will only take a minute, but it makes a big difference. Senators need to hear from medical cannabis patients and supporters right now — before they vote on SB 129. I’ll be in Sacramento this week working on the last few votes we need in the Senate, but lawmakers need to know there is an active constituency behind this bill. Make that call today!

Thank you for helping ASA protect and expand patients’ rights in California.

Don Duncan
California Director

Please make a special contribution to ASA, so that we can keep doing important work like this.


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