December 31, 2014

Two Medical Marijuana Bills Being Proposed In Kentucky

December 31, 2014
kentucky medical marijuana poll

kentucky medical marijuana pollEvery state needs a medical marijuana program, as there are suffering patients in every state that could benefit from using medical marijuana. And by medical marijuana program, I mean one that doesn’t include CBD-only strains, doesn’t ban forms of consumption, doesn’t exclude certain ailments, doesn’t ban home cultivation, and allows safe access at medical marijuana dispensaries. Any type of program is better than no program at all obviously, but it’s my hope to see every state in America start a full medical marijuana program someday.

There are two medical marijuana bills being proposed in Kentucky. Per Whaxy:

Senator Perry Clark has already filed a medical marijuana bill for 2015. It is reportedly the same bill that the Louisville democrat has introduced each of the last three years. This proposal would allow for physicians to recommend medical marijuana to qualifying patients, as well as remove legal prosecution against qualifying patients caught in possession of marijuana. This bill also allows for home cultivation, and the development of caregiver programs. It does not establish a system for regulating medical marijuana dispensaries.

The second bill expected to be filed with the Kentucky state legislature in 2015, will be introduced by House Speaker Greg Stumbo. Stumbo explained in a released statement that he has been inspired to introduce this bill by the stories patients have shared with him about their medical marijuana use, and it is important that people share cannabis education.

The bill that Stumbo introduces is expected to be slightly different by allowing for the establishment and regulation of medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the state. Dispensaries would be able to provide patients with safe, reliable access to the plant. This framework may also generate a good amount in tax revenue for the state, similar to what has been seen in Colorado.

Kentucky already passed a CBD-only bill, however, it hasn’t helped any patients due to the strict rules provided in the bill. Patients are suffering in Kentucky, and they deserve to use a medicine that is far safer than pharmaceuticals if they want to. If you live in Kentucky, contact your legislators.


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