I received the following press release today, which I think is very cool. Wish I could attend:
What: This Veteran’s Day, veterans and activists will gather to walk from the Veteran’s Affairs Headquarters down Pennsylvania Avenue to the gates of the White House where they will be disposing of thousands empty prescription pill bottles collected from their brothers and sisters across the country in memory of those whose sacrifices did not end on the battlefield. With the current veteran suicide rate at 22 per day, it is time for the VA to recognize alternate forms of war trauma treatment for our veterans.
Join us tomorrow at the White House gates to witness firsthand the cause that veterans, their families, and advocate associations alike are fighting for. There will be an opportunity to speak with veterans involved in the movement as well as Garyn Angel, who is a key part in the organization of this event.
Who: World-renowned cannabis expert and veterans’ rights advocate Garyn Angel will lead thousands of United States veterans and several national veterans’ organizations during the march.
Where: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
When: Wednesday, November 11th
Walk to begin at 12 pm