There is an effort underway to legalize medical marijuana in Florida. United for Care has been collecting signatures for a medical marijuana initiative, and last I heard, they already had over 200,000 signatures. There have been attempts to try to block the process by top Florida Republicans. I’m not sure why they are trying to squash the democratic process, but then again, they are politicians.
It appears that a Democratic candidate for Florida Governor has came out in support of the medical marijuana initiative. Nan Rich, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Florida Governor said the following according to The Sun Sentinel:
“I’ve seen the research, I’ve studied the issue, and I’ve met with patients who clearly benefit and desperately need medically prescribed cannabis,” Rich said in a statement. ”That’s why I’m signing the petition to get this important measure on the ballot in 2014 and I’m calling on all of my friends and supporters to do the same. There is simply no reason patients should suffer when an effective, safe, and organic remedy is readily available.”
It’s a very refreshing thing to know that at least one politician out there believes in science and compassion. If you are a TWB reader that lives in Florida, make sure to remember to vote for Nan Rich. To find out more about her and her campaign, click here.