March 1, 2012

What Is The Greater Los Angeles Collective Alliance?

March 1, 2012
medical marijuana sign

medical marijuana signThe Greater Los Angeles Collective Alliance Helps Medical Marijuana Patients

The Greater Los Angeles Collective Alliance (GLACA) is a voluntary association of medical cannabis cooperative and collective operators in Los Angeles who have organized around a shared desire to provide safe access to patients with adherence to a strict code of operational guidelines. GLACA members are working to:

  1. protect medical cannabis patients and our community;
  2. develop, implement, and monitor compliance with operational and safety protocols for collectives and cooperatives in the Los Angeles area, and
  3. educate our community about medical cannabis.

Member collectives conduct a peer-based “secret shopper” program to verify compliance with state law and GLACA operational and safety protocols. Accredited collectives display a GLACA membership logo at their facilities and in printed material to let patients and the community know they uphold the highest possible legal and professional standards in the field.

If you ever have doubts about your collective, or the safety of your medicine, look for the GLACA logo — it’s the sign of safety and knowledge in medical cannabis.

GLACA Protocols:

  1. Restriction of Membership.
    Membership in a medical cannabis collective shall be limited to qualified patients and their primary caregivers as defined by California Health and Safety Code 11362.5.
  2. Screening of Members.
    – Collectives must make reasonable efforts to ensure that all members are legally qualified under California Health and Safety Code 11263.5. Verification of member status includes the following elements:
    – Inspection of an original copy of a letter of recommendation from a licensed physician;
    – Personal contact with the physician or his or her agent to verify the written recommendation;
    – Verification of the validity of the physician’s license; and Verification of the patient’s identity and California residency with state issued identification.
  3. Restriction on Distribution.
    Collectives shall not provide cannabis to any person in an amount not consistent with personal medical use.
  4. No Diversion to Non-Members.
    No collective, member, or agent of a collective shall sell, barter, give away, or otherwise distribute cannabis to persons who are not qualified patients or caregivers.
  5. Records.
    Collectives shall maintain accurate patient records necessary to demonstrate patient eligibility under the law. All patient records shall be kept in a secure location and regarded as strictly confidential.
  6. Business Practices.
    Collectives shall maintain the highest possible professional standards regarding the operation of their business affairs, including obtaining any required permits, licenses, registrations, etc.
  7. Nondiscrimination.
    Collectives shall not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, physical disability, mental condition, or socioeconomic status of any member.
  8. Security.
    Collectives shall maintain adequate security to protect the welfare of patients and the community.
  9. Good Neighbors.
    Collectives shall conduct their business in a manner that is respectful of their neighbors and the community. The facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair, both inside and out. Collectives shall seek to ensure that there is no adverse impact to surrounding homes and businesses.
  10. Public Education.
    Collectives shall educate their members and the community regarding the responsible use of cannabis, the potential risks and benefits of cannabis use, and other issues impacting their well-being.


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