October 9, 2015

Rand Paul’s Enlightening Words To Jeb Bush About Marijuana

October 9, 2015
jeb bush marijuana

jeb bush marijuanaDuring the second Republican Debate, the topic of marijuana was brought up and Rand Paul started the discussion like this:

“I think one of the great problems, and what the American people don’t like about politics, is hypocrisy, people who have one standard for others and not for them—for themselves. There’s at least one prominent example on the stage of someone who says they smoked pot in high school. And yet, the people who are going to jail for this are poor people, often African Americans and often Hispanics, and yet the rich kids who use drugs aren’t.”

If you aren’t sure who Rand Paul is talking about when he talks about this hypocrisy, it is Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush admitted previously, and in this debate, that he had smoked marijuana 40 years ago. And in response to this, Jeb Bush said that he had regretted this decision, and then went into a big tirade about the current epidemic of marijuana within the United States. In which Rand Paul responded with:

“Under the current circumstances, kids who had privilege, like you do, don’t go to jail, but the poor kids in our inner cities go to jail. I don’t think that’s fair, and I think that we need to acknowledge it. And it is hypocritical to still want to put poor people in jail.”

While I have been pretty hard on the Republican candidates in some of my last pieces, Rand Paul has beautiful insight here, and an insight that is absolutely shocking to see within the Republican Party. The current Drug War is the new Jim Crow, as described by Michelle Alexander, and luckily this is something that is recognized by Republican candidate Rand Paul.


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