Support social equity and racial justice in Oregon! There are two great opportunities this weekend to do so. Your activism is working, let’s keep it up!
Social Equity in Oregon: HB 3112
Call to action: TODAY!!!
Sign the letter to support Oregon House Bill 3112, the Equity Investment Act, TODAY, Friday May 21st! A big legislative push is needed so that all the Oregon state legislators who are reviewing the Act know how many of us support it! Signing the letter takes only a few seconds of your time…minimal effort on your part for a maximum impact in the Oregon legislature! Take action here.
This is groundbreaking legislation and, if passed, would place Oregon as a leader in racial justice policies and in social equity conversations happening all over the country.
Passage of the HB 3112/Oregon Equity Investment Act would focus cannabis tax dollars and other relevant funds into repairing the damages done to Black and brown communities by providing business opportunities and support and meeting housing, education, and health care needs. The act also enacts free, automatic expungement of eligible cannabis crimes for everyone eliminating the hurdles that have kept 20,000+ Oregonians from expunging their cannabis record.
Racial Justice in Oregon: March for George Floyd
Call to action: TOMORROW!!
Join Rose City Justice for a march to honor the one year anniversary of George Floyd’s murder and to continue to bring awareness to racial inequalities and the dire need for social justice. The march will kick off at 6 PM at Revolution Hall on Saturday, May 22.
Co-founder and President of Rose City Justice Devin Boss said, “This March is a representation of where we started, where we are, and where we’re going. It’s about reminding people that our work -in all its various forms- must continue. Black lives are still in jeopardy.”
Solamon Ibe, a member of Rose City Justice, told Oregon Fox 12 news, “The anniversary is important. we want to commemorate this time. There’s a lot of activity that’s persisting and we would like to really just recenter the energy and the focus on what we feel is most important,” Ibe said. “Really try and get back to inspiring folks from the community at large to supporting the movement for Black lives. To supporting police accountability. To supporting social justice and kind of reforming the system we live in.”
It’s time! Come join us back at Revolution Hall at 6 pm on May 22nd! Bring your friends and family and tell ten of your friends about our march! See you soon! #georgefloyd #rosecityjustice
— Justice (@RoseCityJustice) May 12, 2021
Oregon Cannabis Tax Revenue
Part of Rose City Justice’s long term vision is to take back control of cannabis tax revenue which was intended to support communities that have been the most disproportionately impacted by racist drug laws.
As Oregon continues to see growth in the recreational cannabis market, the Oregon Equity Investment Act (HB 3112) provides an opportunity for Oregon to pass the most comprehensive, holistic approach to cannabis equity in the United States. This Act focuses on widespread reinvestment in the communities that have been hurt most by racial profiling and the War on Drugs – Black, Indigenous and Latina/o/x communities.