April 23, 2013

The Alabama Cannabis And Hemp Reform Act Has Been Tabled

April 23, 2013
Alabama Safe Access Project

Alabama Safe Access ProjectToday the Alabama House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security tabled HB-550, The Alabama Cannabis and Hemp Reform Act of 2013. This was disappointing for the patients of Alabama, but I was very encouraged by the hearing.

While I cannot say the same thing for other committee chairman in the Alabama House of Representatives, Chairman Hammon gave the bill a fair chance.

He gave the bill a fair hearing.
He gave the bill a fair hearing.

When this bill was assigned to Public Safety and Homeland Security, I did not think that would be the case. However, after my conversation with Chairman Hammon last week, and about 1500 emails from the members of Alabama Safe Access Project and Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition, Chairman Hammon gave the bill a hearing in committee and it was a fair hearing

I would like to commend Chairman Hammon for acting with honor.

Vice-Chair Alan Farley said that he had spoken to friends who were retired law enforcement, and those friends had reconsidered their opinion on marijuana because of the medical benefits and the fact that they were getting older and it was more of a consideration for them.

Unfortunately, this is Alabama and this is the first year that a full legalization bill has ever been floated in Alabama. No one made a motion, to offer a vote, for passage. Therefore, no vote was taken and the bill was tabled without being rescheduled.

This is the second bill to receive a hearing, and the third hearing on the issue of marijuana reform this year. Alabama Safe Access Project and Alabama Medical Marijuana Coalition will continue to push the issue in Alabama. With your continued support, it is not a matter of if… only when.



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