October 24, 2012

Can You Make A Phone Call To Help Legalize Cannabis?

October 24, 2012
marijuana election 2012

marijuana election 2012Join Students For Sensible Drug Policy And Make Phone Calls To Help End Marijuana Prohibition

By Aaron Houston, Executive Director, Students for Sensible Drug Policy

As you may have heard, this November, Coloradans will be voting on Amendment 64, the initiative to regulate marijuana like alcohol. This historic initiative will: make the personal use, possession, and limited home-growing of marijuana legal for adults 21 years of age and older; establish a system in which marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol; and allow for the cultivation, processing, and sale of industrial hemp.

Here at SSDP, we’re doing our part to help legalize marijuana in 2012 by calling Colorado voters and urging them to vote Yes on Amendment 64. We’ve already reached 4,000 voters, but there are still tens of thousands we need to reach and with only two weeks left until election day, your help is more critical now than ever.
How can you help?

Our phonebanking system makes it easy.

All you have to do is:

  1. Go to legalizecolorado.org.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Once you login, you will be presented with a voter’s contact information and a script to use when calling them.
  4. Review the script.
  5. Call the voter and follow the script to talk to them about Amendment 64.d
  6. Mark the voter’s response.
  7. Press “submit” and move on to the next voter.

This is your opportunity to play a vital role in helping make marijuana legal. All you need is the desire to make an impact, your phone, and your computer.

With your help, we can make marijuana legal.

PS: We’ve partnered with NORML and the Amendment 64 campaign to offer prizes and memorabilia for our top callers. Check out what you can win with your hard work!


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