Make your purchases count towards sensible reform
Cyber Monday is tomorrow, and if you are like me, there are numerous things that you want to buy. I don’t do the Black Friday thing. I don’t care how good the deals are, I’m not leaving the house the day after Thanksgiving (or any day really). I do all of my biggest shopping online these days.
If you also do most of your shopping online, Cyber Monday or otherwise, make sure to help out Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) in the process. It’s super easy to do, especially through Amazon. I wish I had known about this earlier!
- Donate to SSDP by shopping at Amazon!
- Just click the link and shop as you normally would. As long as you get to Amazon via our link, 4-6% of your purchase will go to SSDP. The 4-6% comes from Amazon, and does not add anything to the price that you pay. You will not receive any sort of notification that your purchase counted towards SSDP. We do this through the Amazon Associates program.
- eBay Giving Works - Want to sell something on eBay? List it as a giving item to SSDP, and a portion (set by you) of the proceeds from your auction will be donated to SSDP. This donation is paid for by the seller, not eBay.
If you want to help make the world a better place, and fund people that are working hard to help reform marijuana laws nationwide, then please use the links above. We don’t all have money coming out of our ears to donate, but almost all of us shop online and we can help SSDP one purchase at a time. Of course, if you have extra money, please, please donate to SSDP today. I know people like Richard Branson read this blog from time to time. If you are out there Sir Branson, hook these college students up!