Help Make Marijuana Legalization A Reality In Colorado With A Donation Today
By Mason Tvert, Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol
We just got some great news. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, all contributions received by the Yes on Amendment 64 campaign between now and October 3 will be matched, dollar for dollar – up to $50,000!
That means if you contribute $25 today, the campaign will have $50 to spend on advertising that could be the difference between Amendment 64 winning and losing. We need this additional $100,000. Can you chip in, right now?
Click here to contribute to the Yes on 64 campaign!
The most-recent Denver Post poll indicates that we currently have majority support. Victory is within reach. But it’s going to be a tough fight — and the dirty politics against us have already begun.
As you may know, the Colorado Legislative Council Committee sneakily removed three of the best Yes on 64 arguments from the Colorado voter guide. As a result, when Coloradans get their voter guides, the arguments against Amendment 64 will be 75% longer than the arguments in support.
It’s dirty politics, plain and simple. It’s nothing new. But we’ve got to fight back.
We can overcome these dirty tricks, triumph over the status quo, and become the first state to regulate marijuana like alcohol. But we need your help — and since your contribution will be matched, there’s no better time to contribute than right now.
Make a contribution of $5, $25, $100 or more today!
Thanks so much for your support.