California Nurses Association Endorses “Carefully Crafted” Proposition 64
Largest statewide association of nurses says Prop 64 “is significantly better for public health and safety than the broken status quo” SACRAMENTO—Today, the California Nurses
Largest statewide association of nurses says Prop 64 “is significantly better for public health and safety than the broken status quo” SACRAMENTO—Today, the California Nurses
Courtesy The Joint Blog A new poll released this week shows that public opinion still favors cannabis legalization in Colorado, more than a year after Amendment 64 passed. Public Policy
The working groups for Colorado’s Amendment 64 implementation have been announced. Below is the info, which can also be found by clicking here: Amendment 64
Just minutes before midnight, on the last day for them to approve a measure, Colorado’s Senate voted to approve legislation designed to repeal the legality of recreational
By Doug Fine As he prepared to distribute the first of 100,000 specialized cannabis seedlings in a limo once owned by Ferdinand Marcos, the last
In case you have been living under a rock since before the 2012 Election, Colorado voters decided that marijuana prohibition in the state was over.
Last week an article was published by Business Insider that was forwarded to me by many friends and readers. The title of the article was ‘Five People
By Phillip Smith When Colorado voters last November gave the thumbs up to marijuana legalization, the celebrations came quickly, with overjoyed pot smokers triumphantly lighting
DATE: Tues., April 16, 2013 TIME: 5:30pm to 9:30pm LOCATION: Ramada Plaza Denver-Central Hotel, 4849 Bannock St., Denver, CO COST: $295.00 per person / 2
I received the following press release out of Colorado: While most Coloradans anxiously await the implementation of Amendment 64, local activists, Max Rashbaum and Rico
By Scott Alexander Meiner, Americans For Asset Forfeiture Reform In light of Amendment 64-s language legalizing possession of small quantities of marijuana, Coloradans ponder the shifting
By Phillip Smith At least two members-only recreational marijuana clubs opened in Colorado Monday, one in Denver and one in the small southern Colorado town
Colorado Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force Meets Today A task force set up by Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper is meeting for the first time today
Gov. Hickenlooper Signs Amendment 64 Proclamation, Creates Task Force To Recommend Needed Legislative Actions It’s official – Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed an Executive Order
By Phillip Smith Some 20 Colorado business organizations wrote a letter to US Attorney General Eric Holder last Friday urging him to enforce federal laws
Beware ‘First To Legalize’ Colorado Amendment 64 Merchandise Some of the most vocal opponents of marijuana legalization this election cycle were the people who smoke
Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey Needs To Realize That Voters Approved Amendment 64 When Colorado voters approved Amendment 64, they sent a clear message to
DA Stan Garnett Drops Small Marijuana Possession Cases In Boulder, Colorado Following a similar move in Seattle, the City of Boulder, Colorado is dismissing pending
Colorado Amendment 64 Received More Votes In Colorado Than The Obama Campaign As loyal readers know, I just got back from Denver, Colorado where voters
The video below is of legendary campaign director Mason Tvert talking about Colorado’s Amendment 64 victory. One third of Americans think that alcohol is safer
And the Fast Talking Has Started… By David Borden I posited yesterday that federal fast talking about the Colorado and Washington initiatives would start soon.
By Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance Colorado and Washington have become not just the first U.S. states – but the first
Marijuana Is Now Legal In The State Of Colorado It is blowing my mind to say this, but marijuana is now legal in a state
Help Make History Today By Dale Jones, Chairwoman of the Board, Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform Today, we have the opportunity to evolve civil rights in America.
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