I received the following message from a very, very hardworking and talented activist named Shaleen Title from Students for Sensible Drug Policy. As loyal readers know, there is no organization that I love more or have more respect for than Students For Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). I have seen them do things that can only be described as amazing. Please, please consider making a donation to them this 4/20. After all, if it wasn’t for SSDP’s hard work and it’s alumni’s hard work, we wouldn’t be able to experience the freedoms that have come with recent marijuana policy reform:
My name is Shaleen Title.
I’ve been honored to serve as an appointed board member of Students for Sensible Drug Policy for the past three years. SSDP not only led me to make the greatest friends of my life, but it also opened the doors for me to pursue drug policy reform as a career and make history helping to legalize marijuana for the first time.
I am writing to ask for your help opening these doors to more students. During my time on the Board, I’ve worked with an inspiring group of student leaders to conduct outreach to students from diverse backgrounds.
I’ll never forget the awe I felt as a student attending my first drug policy conference. I got to meet people making significant progress toward sensible drug policies and ask them about their work. I didn’t even realize I was “networking” at the time – SSDP allowed me to seek mentors and ask them how I could assist with their work and follow in their path. And I didn’t need to wait to start making change – my chapter at the University of Illinois got me involved in advocating for local and state measures as soon as I joined. From that point, there was no turning back; I was hooked on drug policy.
Your generous contribution will allow us to reach out to students, particularly those most impacted by the drug war, and provide them with the invaluable opportunity to develop their skills while working immediately to change the policies on their campus and beyond.