It’s the season of giving, and there are few, if any, causes that are more worthy of a donation than Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). They work harder than most activists could ever dream of, so they deserve as much financial support as possible. Below is a message from the legendary Aaron Houston, Executive Director of SSDP:
Here at Students for Sensible Drug Policy, we pride ourselves on being the largest global drug policy organization in terms of people power. However, we are far from the top when it comes to our budget, and that’s where you come in.
Our five staff members work in a cramped, no-frills, two-room office and we’re able to support over 200 chapters in the U.S. and more than two dozen internationally. All on roughly $500,000 per year. Imagine how much more we would be able to achieve with more financial support.
We would not be doing our jobs as responsible stewards of our non-profit organization if we didn’t directly ask you for a donation this holiday season.
Please consider making your tax-deductible donation today.
Aaron Houston
Executive Director
Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Washington, DC