Tomorrow, moms from Oregon, Washington and Colorado will speak about why they are supporting Measure 91, which would regulate, legalize and tax marijuana for adults 21 and older.
Colorado and Washington are already experiencing successful results from their approval of the regulated use of marijuana. Arrests are down for minor marijuana violations, teen use and access to marijuana is down, and traffic fatalities are down in both states. These communities are safer, and their children are safer, which is why a growing group of moms have come out in support of Measure 91 to legalize, tax and regulate marijuana in Oregon.
Moms from Oregon, Colorado and Washington speak in favor of Measure 91 to regulate, legalize and tax marijuana for adults 21 and older.
Friday, October 17, 2014
10:00 am
Yes on 91 Headquarters
1020 NE 2nd Avenue
Portland, Oregon, 97232