July 16, 2012

New Legalization Billboard – Pat Robertson Endorses Colorado Amendment 64

July 16, 2012
Colorado senate duii marijuana dui thc

Colorado Capital cannabisColorado’s Amendment 64 Campaign Unveiled A New Billboard Today Featuring The Endorsement Of Pat Robertson

Sometimes support for Amendment 64, the Colorado campaign to regulate marijuana like alcohol, comes from places you wouldn’t expect.

In a March interview in The New York Times, conservative evangelist Pat Robertson said he “absolutely” supports the initiative on the ballot in Colorado that would regulate marijuana like alcohol.

“I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Robertson said. “If people can go into a liquor store and buy a bottle of alcohol and drink it at home legally, then why do we say that the use of this other substance is somehow criminal?”

Today, we’re proud to announce the unveiling of a new billboard in Grand Junction highlighting Robertson’s endorsement of the initiative. We hope you’ll take a moment to check it out — then share it with friends and family.

As a widely recognized conservative and evangelical leader, Robertson’s endorsement is especially powerful.

Many people are familiar with Pat Robertson and appreciate his opinions. In this case, his opinion is that it makes absolutely no sense to allow adults to use alcohol, yet punish them for using marijuana. Robertson has also decried the massive amount of money wasted on arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning people for marijuana-related offenses. We hope folks will take this opinion into consideration as they cast their votes on Amendment 64 this November.

Robertson’s endorsement is a testament to the growing nature of our coalition. Regulating marijuana like alcohol is not a matter of liberal versus conservative — it’s a simple matter of common sense.

Click here to view the Pat Robertson billboard in Grand Junction, and then share it widely.

Thanks for sharing the billboard and for your continued support. Together, we will win in November.

pat robertson amendment 64 colorado


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