September 7, 2014

Oregon Educator Endorses Better Approach To Marijuana Policy

September 7, 2014
new approach oregon marijuana legalization

new approach oregon marijuana legalizationOregon’s campaign to regulate, legalize and tax marijuana has won several new endorsements and today released a new campaign commercial featuring an after-school program leader from Eugene.

Some of the most recent endorsers of Measure 91 include:

  • The City Club of Portland, an independent, non-profit, non-partisan education and research-based civic organization that studied Measure 91 in detail, wrote up a 20-page research report about it and concluded “the Measure is well-written, comprehensive and could be implemented successfully” and that “the social costs of the current system are too high.”

  • The Oregonian, the largest newspaper in the state, which concluded “The measure would be worth supporting for reasons of honesty and convenience alone, but it also would raise millions of dollars per year for schools and other purposes.”

  • The Democratic Party of Oregon, the largest political party in the state, which concluded: “Measure 91 is the right approach to legalization in Oregon, strictly regulating use while funding law enforcement and schools.”

These early endorsers join several others plus many Oregonians across the state.

Coinciding with the start of school, the latest 30-second campaign commercial, released today, features Mike Schwab, an after school program leader from Eugene.

“Under our current marijuana laws, one mistake can ruin a life,” he says in the video. “Measure 91 removes unfairly harsh punishments for marijuana offenses.” Measure 91 is projected to generate tens of millions of dollars in new revenue, and a 40 percent of it will go to schools.


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